How long does Cake last in the fridge?

If you’ve ever been perplexed trying to figure out how long does cake last in the fridge, then this blog post is for you! Learn all that there is to know about storing a cake so it stays fresh – from what conditions help keep it safe and edible for longer periods of time, to various creative methods home cooks have used over the years to preserve their delicious creations. We’ll even discuss frosting strategies that can be employed to extend your desserts shelf life. So whether you’re an avid baker or simply someone who loves eating cakes, read on and get ready to learn some valuable tips and tricks on how much longer your cakes will last when refrigerated!

Short answer: How long can cake last in the fridge?

Cakes typically last between 3-5 days when stored in the refrigerator and up to three months in the freezer. This can be extended a few more days if you take some precautionary measures with your storage. Start by wrapping the cake securely with plastic wrap or parchment paper, sealing it tightly to prevent air from entering and drying out the cake. Additionally, place a dampened paper towel on top of the cake before wrapping it to keep it moist. This will help reduce drying and make sure that your cake stays fresh for longer.

Factors affecting the shelf life of cake in the fridge

When it comes to preserving cakes, there are a few factors that must be taken into consideration. The type of cake, the ingredients used, and even the frosting can all play a role in how long your cake will last in the refrigerator.

– Kitchen temperature: If your kitchen is warm, the cake will spoil more quickly. Cooler temperatures help slow down spoilage, so try to keep your cake in a refrigerated area that stays around 40°F (4.5°C).

– Frosting: Buttercream and cream cheese frostings are made with dairy products, so they can go bad faster than other types of frosting. If you choose to use one of these options, make sure that your cake is stored in a cool environment and consumed relatively quickly.

– Types of cake: Pound cakes, carrot cakes and red velvet cakes are more likely to last a bit longer than lighter cakes like angel food or sponge cakes because they can hold their shape better and don’t get soggy as quickly.

– Fridge temperature: The optimal temperature for storing cake in the fridge is between 32°F and 40°F (0°C to 4.5°C). Anything above this can cause your cake to spoil faster.

– Humidity: If your fridge is too humid, it can cause the cake to spoil more quickly. Try to keep the humidity level in your fridge at a low setting.

– Cake decoration or not: Unfrosted cakes tend to last longer than those that are decorated. If you plan on decorating your cake, it’s best to do so right before serving or consuming.

– Cake filling: If your cake contains a filling, such as custard or cream cheese, it can affect the shelf life of the entire cake. These fillings are made with dairy products and will spoil more quickly than an unfilled cake.

– Storage container: Make sure to store your cake in a sealed container or plastic wrap to keep out moisture and

How long does cake last at room temperature?

Cakes should not be left out at room temperature for more than 2-3 hours as the warm environment can cause bacteria to grow quickly. If you’re planning on consuming your cake within a few hours, it’s best to leave it out at room temperature until ready to serve. After that, move it into the refrigerator so that it doesn’t spoil.

How long does cake last at room temperature?
How long does cake last at room temperature?

How long does cake last in the fridge?

If a cake is stored in the fridge, a cake topped with buttercream or ganache will last for 3-4 days, whereas a cake containing custard, cream, cream cheese, or fresh fruit will only last for 1-2 days.

The shelf life of cake in the fridge can vary depending on several factors such as the type of cake, ingredients used, how it was stored, and the temperature of your fridge. Generally, a freshly baked cake that is stored in an airtight container or tightly wrapped with plastic wrap can last for up to five to seven days in the fridge. However, some cakes with high moisture content or containing perishable ingredients like cream, custard, or fresh fruit may spoil faster and may only last for up to two to three days.

It’s important to note that the longer the cake is stored in the fridge, the more it may dry out or lose its flavor and texture. So it’s always best to consume the cake within a few days of storing it in the fridge to enjoy it at its best.

How long does cake last in the fridge
How long is cake good for in the fridge?


Store-bought cakes often contain preservatives, which can extend the shelf life of the cake. Generally speaking, store-bought cakes last between 7 and 10 days in the refrigerator when stored properly. Homemade cakes without preservatives will typically only last for 3-5 days in the fridge so it’s important to consume them quickly or freeze them for later.

>> See more:

What cakes last the longest in the fridge?

Pound cakes, carrot cakes and red velvet cakes are all good options for lasting longer in the fridge due to their denser composition. These types of cakes usually last up to 5 days when stored properly in the refrigerator. Lighter cakes such as angel food or sponge cakes can become dry and stale more quickly so they should be consumed within 2-3 days if kept in the fridge. Additionally, frosted cakes with dairy-based fillings tend to spoil faster than those without decoration or fillings, so make sure to consume them within 2-3 days of storage.

Important Note: Frosted cakes should always be stored in the fridge. If you’re going to be storing a cake for more than a few days, it’s best to freeze it instead. This will help preserve the flavor and texture of your cake, while keeping it safe from spoilage.

How long can different types of cakes keep in the fridge? Timetable

The table below will help you answer all your questions about: How long to refrigerate with chocolate cake, birthday cakes, cheese cake, red velvet cake, buttercream, sponge cake, cake whipped cream, cake with fondant,…

How long does cake last in fridge?

Type of Cake Shelf Life at Room Temperature Shelf Life in Fridge Shelf Life in Freezer
Plain Unfrosted cake 2-3 days 4-5 days 2-4 months
Cake with buttercream frosting 1-2 days 3-4 days 2-4 months
Cake with cream cheese frosting or filling 1-2 days 3-4 days Not Recommended
Cake with fruit filling or topping 1-2 days 3-4 days Not Recommended
Chocolate Cake 2-3 days 3-4 days 2-4 months
Birthday Cake 2-3 days 3-4 days 2-4 months
Cheesecake 2 hours 5-7 days 6-8 months
Red Velvet Cake 2-3 days 3-4 days 2-4 months
Buttercream Cake 1-2 days 3-4 days 2-4 months
Sponge Cake 2-3 days 3-4 days 2-4 months
Carrot Cake 2-3 days 3-4 days 2-4 months
Fruitcake 1-2 weeks 7-10 days 6-8 months
Pound Cake 1 week 5-7 days 6-8 months
Cake with Whipped Cream 1 day 1-2 days Not Recommended
Cake with Fondant 1-2 weeks Not Recommended Not Recommended


  • The table is based on each cake being correctly covered and stored.
  • These are general guidelines and the actual shelf life of a cake can vary depending on factors such as the ingredients used, storage conditions, and the age of the cake. I
  • t’s important to check the cake after each day of storage in order to ensure that it is still fresh and safe to consume. If you notice any signs of spoilage, discard the cake immediately. Additionally, if you have doubts about how long a particular type of cake can last, it’s best to err on the side of caution and consume the cake within 3 days. This will help ensure that you don’t end up with spoiled or stale cake.

How long can you keep a cake in the fridge before decorating?

If you’re planning to decorate or frost a cake, it’s best to keep it in the fridge for up to 2 days before doing so. This will help maintain freshness and flavor, as well as ensure that your decorations stick better. Make sure to wrap the cake securely with plastic wrap or parchment paper before storing it in the refrigerator. You can also place a dampened paper towel on top of the cake to keep it moist.

Additionally, if you’re working with fondant or whipped cream, make sure to store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator until ready for use. This will help maintain their quality and prevent spoilage.

How can you tell if a cake has gone bad?

If a cake has been stored for too long, it may start to show signs of spoilage. When checking if a cake is still safe to consume, look out for the following:

– Discoloration: A cake that is no longer fresh will usually have a grey or brown hue.

– Smell: Spoiled cakes tend to have an off odor, so smell the cake before consuming it.

– Taste: If you taste a stale or spoilt cake, it will usually have a sour or bitter taste.

– Texture: Spoiled cakes tend to become dry and crumbly, so feel the texture of the cake before consuming it.

If any of these signs are present, discard the cake immediately. It’s also important to never consume a cake if you’re unsure about its freshness, as this could cause food poisoning.

Tips for keeping cake fresh for longer in the fridge

Taking proper care when storing a cake will help it stay fresher for longer and taste delicious! Here are some tips to keep in mind:

Tips for keeping cake fresh for longer in the fridge
Tips for keeping cake fresh for longer in the fridge
  1. Wrap it securely. Make sure to wrap your cake tightly with plastic wrap or parchment paper to prevent air from entering and drying it out.
  2. Place a moistened paper towel on top. This will help keep the cake moist and reduce drying.
  3. Place the cake in an airtight container. This will help keep out any odors and prevent moisture from entering, which could cause spoilage.
  4. Consume within 3 days of storage. If you’re unsure about how long a particular type of cake can last, it’s best to err on the side of caution and eat it within 3 days.
  5. Monitor the temperature of your fridge. Keep it set between 34-40°F for optimal preservation conditions.
  6. Refrigerate immediately after baking. This will help keep the cake fresh and prevent spoilage from occurring.
  7. Freeze it. If you’re not going to eat the cake within a few days, consider freezing it for longer preservation.
  8. Make sure to place your cake in the coldest part of the fridge, as this will help keep it fresh for longer.
  9. Avoid storing it near foods with strong odors, as these can permeate into the cake and affect its flavor.

Method of frosting cake can prolong shelf life?

When frosting [1] a cake, it’s important to use an icing or frosting that will help extend its shelf life. Buttercream and cream cheese frostings are both excellent choices as they contain fat and sugar, which act as preservatives. Additionally, applying a thin layer of fondant around the cake can help keep it fresher for longer.

Method of frosting cake
Method of frosting cake

How to revive a dry cake?

If you have a stale or dry cake, there are some easy ways to revive it. The first is to brush the top and sides of the cake with simple syrup, which will help add moisture. Another option is to cut off the top layer of the cake, which will allow you to spread frosting on the inner layers to make them more moist. Additionally, you can place your cake in an airtight container with a piece of fruit such as an apple or banana for up to two days; this will help revive its flavor and texture.

How long to remove cake from the fridge?

When taking a cake out of the fridge, make sure to allow it to sit at room temperature for about 15 minutes before serving. This will help the cake reach its optimal flavor and texture by allowing the flavors and moisture to evenly distribute. Additionally, this will help prevent the cake from cracking when cutting into it.

Can you reuse a cake that has been taken out of the refrigerator?

As a general rule, it is not safe to eat cake that has been taken out of the refrigerator and then stored at room temperature for more than two hours. After this time, bacteria can start to grow on the cake. Additionally, if you store a cake in the fridge for longer than 5 days, it’s best to discard it as it may have already gone bad.

Can you freeze a cake?

Yes, you can freeze a cake for up to 3 months. When preparing the cake for freezing, make sure to place it in an airtight container or wrap it tightly with plastic wrap. Additionally, frosting and decorations should be omitted as these can affect the flavor and texture of the cake when thawed. Lastly, ensure that the temperature of your freezer is set to 0°F or lower for optimal preservation.

Although it is possible to freeze the cake, we do not recommend this because the cake will lose a lot of flavor compared to the fresh cake.

The main disadvantage of freezing a cake is that it can affect the flavor and texture of the cake when thawed. Additionally, frozen cakes may not look as good visually after they are defrosted due to discoloration or sogginess. Lastly, some types of frosting do not freeze well (ex: whipped cream) and may need to be replaced after thawing.

How to thaw and reheat a cake?

When thawing a frozen cake, leave it at room temperature for about two hours until completely defrosted. After this time, you can reheat the cake in the oven at 350°F for about five minutes or until warmed through. Make sure to keep an eye on the cake to avoid burning it. Additionally, you can microwave individual slices of the cake for about 30 seconds or until heated through.

>> See more: How many slices in 14 inch pizza

FAQs how long does cake last in the fridge

Can a cake last longer than 2 weeks in the fridge?

No, as a general rule it is not safe to eat cake that has been stored in the fridge for more than two weeks. After this time, bacteria can start to grow on the cake and cause food poisoning if consumed. Additionally, if the cake is stored in the freezer for longer than 3 months, it may have lost some of its flavor and texture. Therefore, it is best to discard any cakes that have been stored for more than two weeks in the fridge.

Is cake still good after 5 days?

Yes, cake is usually still good for up to 5 days if stored properly in the fridge. However, after this time, it’s best to discard the cake as it may have gone bad due to bacteria growth or loss of flavor and texture. Additionally, if you plan on storing a cake longer than 5 days, we recommend freezing it instead. Thaw and reheat when ready to enjoy!

Can I eat cake after 10 days in fridge?

No, it is not recommended to eat cake that has been stored in the fridge for more than 5 days. After this time bacteria can start to grow on the cake and cause food poisoning if consumed. Additionally, cakes stored longer than 10 days may have lost some of their flavor and texture making them less enjoyable to eat. Therefore, it is best to discard any cakes that have been stored in the fridge for more than 5 days.

If you want to store a cake for longer than 10 days, we recommend freezing it instead.

How do you keep a cake fresh for 5 days?

To keep a cake fresh for up to 5 days, make sure to store it in an airtight container or wrap it tightly with plastic wrap. Additionally, ensure that the temperature of your fridge is set to 40°F or lower for optimal preservation. Lastly, avoid stacking other food items on top of the cake as this may cause it to spoil faster.

Can I keep a cake in the fridge for a month?

No, it is not safe to eat a cake that has been stored in the fridge for more than two weeks.

Can you put a frosted cake in the fridge?

Yes, you can put a frosted cake in the fridge. However, we recommend omitting any decorations or toppings if possible as they can affect the flavor and texture of the cake when thawed. Additionally, make sure to store the cake in an airtight container or wrap it tightly with plastic wrap. Lastly, ensure that the temperature of your fridge is set to 40°F or lower for optimal preservation.

Should I put cake in the fridge before icing?

No, it is not necessary to put cake in the fridge before icing. However, if you plan on storing the cake after icing, then it is best to refrigerate it prior to decorating as this will help preserve the flavor and texture of the cake.

How long does box cake last in the fridge?

If stored properly, box cake can last up to five days in the fridge. We recommend storing it in an airtight container or wrapping it tightly with plastic wrap for optimal preservation. Additionally, ensure that the temperature of your fridge is set to 40°F or lower for best results. After this time, it’s best to discard the cake as it may have gone bad due to bacteria growth or loss of flavor and texture.

Can cake go bad in the fridge?

Yes, cake can go bad in the fridge if it is not stored properly. We recommend storing it in an airtight container or wrapping it tightly with plastic wrap to ensure that the cake stays fresh. Additionally, make sure that the temperature of your fridge is set to 40°F or lower for optimal preservation. After this time, discard any cakes that have been stored longer than two weeks as it may be unsafe to consume.

How long does cake batter last in the fridge?

Cake batter can last up to five days in the fridge if stored properly. Make sure to store it in an airtight container and ensure that the temperature of your fridge is set to 40°F or lower for optimal preservation. Additionally, discard any cake batter that has been stored longer than two weeks as it may have gone bad due to bacteria growth.

What happens if you eat old cake?

Eating old cake may cause food poisoning if it has been stored for too long. Bacteria can start to grow on the cake after 5 days in the fridge, making it unsafe to eat. Additionally, cakes stored longer than 10 days may have lost some of their flavor and texture making them less enjoyable to consume. Therefore, it is best to discard any cakes that have been stored in the fridge for more than 5 days.

If you accidentally ate old cake, watch out for signs of food poisoning such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. If these symptoms occur, seek medical help immediately.


In conclusion, how long does cake last in the fridge? With proper storage methods and adequate care to ensure that air doesn’t come into contact with the cake, a properly stored cake can typically last for 3-5 days in the refrigerator. However, this may be extended depending on the type of cake or if it is frozen. And finally, to get the most out of your cakes and desserts, remember to follow proper storage techniques and always store them in an air tight container or wrap. By doing so you can ensure that your cakes stay fresh for as long as possible!

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