How long to grill asparagus in foil?

Grilled asparagus takes just a few minutes to put together, wrap up, and cook – so all you have to do is decide how long you should be grilling it for optimal flavor. Read on to learn how long to grill asparagus in foil and the best way to prepare your asparagus before tossing it in some foil and onto the flames so that you can enjoy tender grilled asparagus every single time!

What affects the time to grill asparagus?

The size and thickness of the asparagus spears [1] will affect how long you should grill them for. Smaller, thinner spears may only need 2-4 minutes cooking time per side, whereas thicker spears may require 5-7 minutes per side.

Another factor to consider is the temperature of your grill – if it’s running at a higher heat, you may need to reduce the cooking time, whereas if it’s running at a lower temperature, you may need to increase the cooking time.

How long to grill asparagus in foil?

When grilling asparagus in foil, 4-5 minutes per side should be enough to cook it thoroughly and give it great flavor. However, if you want the asparagus to be particularly tender, you can increase the cooking time up to 8 minutes per side.

It’s also important not to wrap your asparagus too tightly in the foil – you want to be able to get some of that smoky flavor from the grill, so make sure you have enough space in the foil for air to circulate.

Grilling time asparagus in foil and without foil
Grilling time asparagus in foil and without foil

To check if your asparagus is cooked through, just give it a poke with a fork; it should be slightly tender but still holding its shape.

Once cooked, you can sprinkle your asparagus with some fresh herbs or Parmesan cheese for a delicious side dish that’s sure to please!

How long to cook asparagus on the grill?

If you’re not using foil, the cooking time for asparagus on the grill can vary depending on the heat of your grill and the size of your spears. Generally speaking, it should take around 4-7 minutes per side for smaller spears, or 5-10 minutes per side for larger ones.

Again, use a fork to check whether the asparagus is cooked through – it should be tender but still holding its shape.

When cooking asparagus on the grill, you want to make sure that you don’t let it sit on there too long or else it could become dry and tough. If you see any signs of burning or charring, it’s best to remove the asparagus from the grill immediately.

>> See more: How to use a Traeger grill

How long to grill asparagus on gas grill?

When grilling asparagus on a gas grill, the cooking time should be similar to that of a charcoal grill – around 4-7 minutes per side for smaller spears and 5-10 minutes per side for larger ones. However, you may find that you need to adjust the cooking time slightly based on how hot your grill is running.

When grilling asparagus on a gas grill, make sure to keep an eye on the spears and turn them periodically for even cooking.

>> See more: How to use a Propane grill

How long to grill asparagus at 400 degrees?

If you’re cooking your asparagus at 400 degrees F, the cooking time should be around 4-7 minutes per side for smaller spears and 5-10 minutes per side for larger ones. Again, this may vary depending  on the size and thickness of your asparagus spears.

At 400 degrees, you should also keep a close eye on your asparagus to make sure it doesn’t burn. If you do see any signs of charring or burning, remove the spears from the heat immediately.

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Prepare before grilling the asparagus

How to choose delicious asparagus for grilling?  Look for asparagus with firm and tight tips. The stalks should be straight, dark green in color and free of blemishes or bruises.

Trim and clean the asparagus

The next step is to trim the bottom of each spear – it’s best to use kitchen scissors for this task since they are sharper than a knife and make it easier to get a clean cut. Start by trimming off the woody ends of the spears – you can use a knife or kitchen scissors for this task.

Once all of your asparagus is trimmed, it’s time to clean it. Rinse each spear under cold water and pat dry with a paper towel before grilling.

Marinate the asparagus

Once your asparagus is trimmed, you can marinate it for extra flavor if you like. There are lots of different marinades that work great with grilled asparagus, so feel free to experiment and find what works best for you.

Grilling temperature

What temperature to grill asparagus in foil?   Generally speaking, the ideal temperature for grilling asparagus in foil is between 350-400 degrees F. This will vary depending on the size of your spears and how long you need to cook them – if they are very thin or e small, a lower temperature may be sufficient.

Start cooking: How to grill asparagus in foil?

To grill asparagus, you’ll need a few pieces of equipment and ingredients.


  • Grill or griddle
  • Aluminum foil (optional)


  • Asparagus spears
  • Olive oil
  • Salt & pepper to taste 
  • Fresh herbs or Parmesan cheese (optional)


  1. Preheat your grill or griddle to 350-400 degrees F.
  2. Trim and clean the asparagus, then lightly coat with olive oil, salt & pepper (and fresh herbs or Parmesan cheese if desired).
  3. Place the asparagus spears on the grill or griddle, and cook for 4-7 minutes per side for smaller spears or 5-10 minutes per side for larger ones.
  4. Use a fork to check if the asparagus is cooked through – it should be tender but still holding its shape.
  5. Remove from heat and serve while hot! Enjoy!

How do you know when grilled asparagus is done?

Grilled asparagus is done when it’s tender but still holding its shape. To check if the asparagus is cooked through, use a fork to carefully pierce one of the spears. If it pierces easily, then your asparagus is done!  Be careful not to overcook the asparagus – it should still have a crunch when bitten into.  If the spears are too soft or mushy, then you’ve gone past the point of perfection.  Enjoy your delicious grilled asparagus!

Pro tips for the best grill asparagus

How do I cook Asparagus like a pro?

Cooking asparagus like a pro requires some practice and patience. Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Start with fresh, high-quality asparagus – look for stalks that are firm and straight, with tight tips.
  • Trim the bottom of each spear before cooking to remove the woody ends.
  • Marinating or seasoning your asparagus before grilling can add a lot of flavor to the finished dish.
  • Preheat your grill or griddle and make sure it’s hot enough before adding the asparagus – this will help to ensure even cooking.
  • Turn the spears periodically for even cooking.
  • Check that the asparagus is cooked through before removing from heat – it should be tender but still hold its shape.
  • Serve while hot!

With these tips, you’ll be able to cook delicious asparagus like a pro in no time!

How do you not overcook asparagus?

The key to not overcooking asparagus is to pay attention to the cooking time and temperature. Start by preheating your grill or griddle to 350-400 degrees F, then add the spears and cook for 4-7 minutes per side for smaller spears or 5-10 minutes per side for larger ones.  To check if the asparagus is cooked through, use a fork to carefully pierce one of the spears. If it pierces easily, then your asparagus is done! Be careful not to overcook the asparagus – it should still have a crunch when bitten into. If the spears are too soft or mushy, then you’ve  gone past the point of perfection.  Enjoy your delicious grilled asparagus!

What spices go well with asparagus?

The great thing about asparagus is that it pairs well with a variety of spices and herbs, making it incredibly versatile. Some of the most popular seasonings for asparagus include garlic, parsley, oregano, basil, thyme, rosemary, chives and paprika. You can also experiment with other flavors like ginger, cumin, curry powder or cayenne pepper. For a Mediterranean twist, try drizzling with lemon juice and a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese. Whatever you choose, the key is to find a balance between all the flavors so none of them overpower the asparagus.

How to serve grilled asparagus?

Grilled asparagus is best served while still hot and freshly cooked. You can serve it as a side to fish, steak or chicken, or add it to salads and pastas for an easy weeknight meal. Grilled asparagus also makes a great appetizer – top with some feta cheese, lemon juice and a sprinkle of fresh herbs for a light and delicious snack. If you’re looking to add more flavor, try drizzling the asparagus with your favorite vinaigrette or balsamic glaze before serving.

How to serve grilled asparagus?
Grilled asparagus is best served while still hot and freshly cooked

How to store and reheat grilled asparagus?

Grilled asparagus should be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator. It will last up to four days before it goes bad. To reheat grilled asparagus, preheat your oven to 375 degrees F and spread out the spears on a baking sheet. Bake for 5-7 minutes or until heated through. Alternatively, you can reheat the asparagus on a skillet over medium-high heat for 2-3 minutes. Make sure to stir the spears occasionally so they don’t burn.

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FAQs how long to grill asparagus in foil

Can I grill asparagus without foil?

Yes, you can grill asparagus without foil. To do so, simply prepare the asparagus by removing the tough ends and washing it thoroughly. Then coat the spears with a light coating of oil or butter to prevent sticking while grilling. Place the asparagus on a preheated medium-hot grill, turning occasionally until the asparagus is tender and lightly charred. Time  will vary depending on the thickness of the asparagus, but should take approximately 5-10 minutes. Be sure to watch the asparagus carefully, as it can easily overcook and become mushy. Once cooked, season with salt and pepper and serve. Enjoy!

Is grilled Asparagus good for you?

Yes! Grilled asparagus is a healthy and nutritious side dish. It’s an excellent source of vitamins A, C, E and K, as well as folate and fiber. Plus, grilling the spears helps to retain more of their nutrients compared to boiling or steaming them.

Why is my grilled asparagus soggy?

If your grilled asparagus is soggy, it’s likely because you left it on the grill for too long. To prevent this, make sure to keep an eye on the cooking time and turn the spears periodically so they cook evenly. Another common cause of soggy asparagus is using too much oil when grilling. Too much oil will cause the asparagus to become greasy and soggy, so be sure to use just enough for a light coating.

Do you have to soak asparagus before grilling?

No, you do not need to soak asparagus before grilling. In fact, soaking can make the spears too waterlogged and cause them to become soggy on the grill. To prevent this, pat the asparagus dry with a paper towel before grilling. This will help ensure that your grilled asparagus comes out crispy, tender and flavorful.

How do you grill asparagus without it falling?

The best way to prevent your asparagus from falling through the grates is to use a grill basket or tray. This will ensure that the spears stay intact and cook evenly without risk of them slipping off. You can also wrap the asparagus in foil before placing it on the grill, which will help keep it together during cooking. Lastly, make sure to oil the asparagus before grilling – this will help them stay in place and prevent sticking.

Is it OK to overcook asparagus?

Yes, it is possible to overcook asparagus. If you cook the spears for too long, they will become soft and mushy. To prevent this, keep an eye on the cooking time and make sure not to leave them on the grill for more than 10 minutes. You can also check the doneness of your asparagus by slicing one spear in half – if it’s still crisp and firm, it’s ready to eat.

Should your grilled asparagus be a little crunchy?

Yes, grilled asparagus should be slightly crunchy. If the spears are too soft or mushy, they’ve been overcooked and won’t have that delicious smoky flavor. To ensure your asparagus is cooked to perfection, keep an eye on the cooking time and check doneness by slicing one spear in half. When done properly, the asparagus should have a slight crunch and be tender but not mushy.

Should you blanch asparagus before grilling it?

No, it is not necessary to blanch asparagus before grilling. Blanching can help retain the color and texture of the spears, but it’s not required for grilled asparagus. If you do choose to blanch your asparagus before grilling, make sure to pat them dry with a paper towel to prevent them from becoming soggy on the grill.


How long to grill Asparagus in foil? Grilling asparagus in foil is an easy and delicious way to enjoy this nutritious vegetable. To get the best results, make sure to oil the spears before grilling and turn them occasionally so they cook evenly. Depending on the thickness of your asparagus, it should take 8-10 minutes to grill. Be careful not to overcook the spears, as they will become soft and mushy. Enjoy!

Thanks for reading! For more information on how to cook asparagus, check out our guide here. Happy grilling!

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